According to tgrayst

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

WordLearn on the Web

A little software project I've been working on now has a webpage. :) The program is called WordLearn, though I'd like to change the name if I can think of something better... (suggestions, anyone?) It's a very simple game where the user types in the displayed word then a picture is displayed. Pretty much. OK, so a little bit more to it than that but that's the basic idea.

You may notice from the address that I'm also checking out google's new page creator - a simple online webpage creation thingy. Not too bad, though also not very flexible. ;) Page Creator is still in the early testing phase though, so I'll cut them some slack. :)

Update 18/06/2009: This software is now named LetterLearn and is available for download right now, see full post.


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