ok, so I was planning to make a few posts while actually in Melbourne, but I didn't get a chance after the
first night - sorry! So here's the post-mortem!
First up here's me, Amelia and Laura (L-R) at Launceston airport waiting to board the plane. :) The flight over was uneventful, but pretty exciting for some of us who hadn't been on a plane for some years!

I spent the first two nights with family. I got to see aunties and uncles and cousins and my sister, Holly. Here's Holly on the right and my cousin Josie on the left.

Here's Alex, another cousin, who's having a great time with a sparkler some guys gave her who were having a birthday party on the beach at St Kilda! :)

Alex and Gabby (yes, another cousin) found this awesome rubbish bin with a dual flip-up lid at an ice-cream shop in St Kilda. Seriously, it was worth going to this shop just so you could use this bin! :P Actually, the ice-cream at this place was
beautiful!! I had Pistachio and Ferrero Rocher flavoured ice-cream! If you're ever in St Kilda check out the ice-cream at 7Apples - it's great!

We went to the zoo for the good part of a day too. We checked out everything there was to see and took heaps of photos. Holly and her boyfriend Petey came, along with the team - it was great! :) I was hoping some others might come to the zoo too, such as Elly + Stu or Amelia and her sister Ele. Or maybe even Matt and Angela. Unfortunately we weren't able to coordinate our activities much, but we all had fun doing what we did. :) Check out what Elly + Stu got up on
her blog in three parts starting with
Part 1 - Bendigo.

The Aquarium was awesome! About 8 years ago we lived just a few train stations away from the zoo for three years and had a yearly family pass, so I'd seen a fair bit of the zoo already. The Aquarium didn't exist back then tho, so this was the first time I'd been there. It was fantastic! They had lots of small-ish displays which were cool enough, but then downstairs we encountered the biggest fish tank in the southern hemisphere! Again, we took about
ten thousand photos between us. (ok, slight exaggeration!)

Finally, on sunday night we went to the Lion King live show at the Regent Theatre. Unfortunately we weren't allowed to take photos, so here's a shot of spencer street from the window of the room we stayed in. ;) The Lion King was definitely worth the money and the effort of organising the trip! A very well crafted show! They stuck to the original story whilst adding just the right amount of elaboration. A new song that made it to the dvd release
The Morning Report was in there, as well as a song from The Lion King II,
He Lives in You. What more can I say: I loved it!! :D

After a great five days holidaying in Melbourne we finally found ourselves having coffee (or orange juice!) at Melbourne airport before jumping on the plane and travelling back to good old Tassie. After arriving back in Launnie, we got off the plane, drove home, then some of us had to head straight back out to uni for lectures and meetings that lasted til 8pm! ...and it's been non-stop ever since! It's straight back to reality, I guess. :)

So there you have it! It was great to see family, hang out with friends and see some of the sights of melbourne for a few days. For more info about our trip you can check out all the pics at
Humphrey's Photo Gallery, you can read
Humf's take on the trip at his blog, and you can head over to Stu's blog and get a sneak preview of our special-release DVD,
Melbourne Mayhem, in stores now! ;)
Ciao for now :)